II. gimnazija Maribor is hosting open day presentations for the IB Diploma Programme at our school location, Trg Miloša Zidanška 1, 2000 Maribor, on the following dates and times:

  • Friday, 16th of February at 11:00 AM,
  • Friday, 16th of February at 4:45 PM,
  • Saturday, 17th of February at 11:00 AM.
Additionally, an online presentation specifically for international students will be conducted in English on:
  • Monday, 19th of February at 4:00 PM. The online session will take place via Zoom, and you can join using the following link: HERE


  • A two-year international, academically rigorous, pre-university programme with breadth, depth and balance
  • For students aged between 16 and 19 years old (the last two years of high school)
  • Offers a holistic approach to teaching and learning
  • Provides students with knowledge and skills to be successful at universities and later in life
  • Encourages students to become life-long learners with intercultural understanding and respect for other people


Students study six subjects and three core components over two years. Three or four of the subjects are chosen at HIGHER level (5 hours per week) and the rest at STANDARD level (4 hours per week).

Core components:
TOK – Theory of Knowledge
Theory of knowledge is structured as a thoughtful and purposeful inquiry into different ways of knowing, and into different kinds of knowledge.

EE – Extended Essay
The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper.

CAS – Creativity / Activity / Service
In CAS students complete activities and projects on a variety of topics and themes linked to the arts, sports, performances and services areas.


The mission of II. gimnazija Maribor is to enable students to achieve their fullest academic potential and to stimulate their creativity, independence, responsibility and solidarity by providing a learning environment that promotes critical thinking, curiosity, enthusiasm for knowledge, academic honesty, diversity of interests, and intercultural understanding. We strive to provide our students with the best educational experience to succeed in life and become happy and fulfilled adults. Our goal is to open all doors of opportunities for our students.


IB DP at II. gimnazija Maribor

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme was first introduced at II. gimnazija Maribor in 1990. The basic aim of the programme was to offer the most successful Slovene students an educational programme which is conceptually different, based on a smaller number of subjects and, consequently, offers an in-depth academic approach. The array of subjects initially offered was limited but it has been expanded over the years, thus enabling our students to study and develop in accordance with their own interests and abilities. Students from the former Yugoslav republics and other foreign students are an additional enrichment of the programme.
Today, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at II. gimnazija Maribor enjoys both national and international recognition. Our IB students consistently achieve excellent results on the final IB exams, ranking II. gimnazija Maribor amongst the more successful IB schools world-wide. Both excellent working conditions and outstanding and highly motivated teachers contribute greatly to these results. The IB DP follows the school’s motto in the best possible way: the school which opens all doors.

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Brezplačni webinar 16.4. 2024

V torek, 16.4. ob 14:00-14:45, bo potekal brezplačni webinar na temo financiranja študija v Združenem kraljestvu. Govorki bosta:

  • Maria Tsakali: British Council Sector Lead Higher Education & Science
  • Katja Cankar: Oddelek za štipendije in progame Ad futura; Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije

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